Irresistables Reborn Heat Set Paints (IRHSP)
Heat Set Colors
IRHSP High Pigment Colors
Heat Set Mediums
Reborn Doll Kits
All Pre-Order Reborn Doll Kits
Reborn Doll Kits by Artist
Kelly Fraga
Talita Pintiero
Adrie Stoete Reborn Doll Kits
Vinyl Limbs for Mix and Match
Adrie Stoete's Mix & Match Collection
Arika Lee
Sigrid Bock
Shi Mrofka
Iveta Eckertova
Jennifer Whitaker
Vincenzina Care
Ashten Bryant
Andrea Arcello Reborn Doll Kits
Asia Eriksen
Anne Timmerman Reborn Doll Kits
AK Kitagawa Reborn Doll Kits
Alejandra De Zúñiga Reborn Doll Kits
Birgit Friedrich - Gutzwiller Reborn Doll Kits
Bonnie Brown Reborn Doll Kits
Brandy Coffey
Carina Zaremba - Wagner Reborn Doll Kits
Cassie Brace Reborn Doll Kits
Christa Götzen Reborn Doll Kits
Charlotte Webb
Claire Mcilwaine
Conny Burke Reborn Doll Kits
Corinne Kaufeler Reborn Doll Kits
Dawn Donofrio
Danielle Zweers Reborn Doll Kits
Dawn Murray McLeod
Dianna Effner Reborn Doll Kits
Didy Jacobsen Reborn Doll Kits
Donna Rubert Reborn Doll Kits
Doris Moyers Hornbogen
Ebtehal Abul
Elisa Marx Reborn Doll Kits
Elly Knoops Reborn Doll Kits
Emily Jameson Reborn Doll Kits
Estibaliz Alonso
Eva Brilli
Eva Wakolbinger Reborn Doll Kits
Evelina Wosnjuk Reborn Doll Kits
Francesca Figa
Gudrun Legler Reborn Doll Kits
Heike Kolpin Reborn Doll Kits
Hermi Cuquerella
Hugo and Tinneke Janssens
Ina Volprich Reborn Doll Kits
Irina Kaplanskaya Reborn Doll Kits
Iris Klement Reborn Doll Kits
Jacqueline Gwin Reborn Doll Kits
Jade Warner Reborn Doll Kits
Jamie Lynn Powers
Jane Collingwood Reborn Doll Kits
Jaykob Kearns
Jannie De Lange Reborn Doll Kits
Jen Printy Reborn Doll Kits
Joanna Kazmierczak Reborn Doll Kits
Joe Bailey
Jorja Pigott Reborn Doll Kits
Julia Homa
Karola Wegerich Reborn Doll Kits
Kyla Janell Reborn Doll Kits
Laura Lee Eagles Reborn Doll Kits
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Laura Tuzio Ross Reborn Doll Kits
Lenka Polacek Huciova
Ligia Vittore
Lilianne Breedveld Reborn Doll Kits
Lilly Gold
Linda Murray Reborn Doll Kits
Linde Scherer Reborn Doll Kits
Lisa Stone
Lisa Sylvia
Lorraine Yophi
Lucie Boiron
Marita Winters Reborn Doll Kits
Mayra Garza Reborn Doll Kits
Melanie Gebhardt
Melissa Mccrory
Menna Hartog Reborn Doll Kits
Misty Hyndman Reborn Doll Kits
Monica Kaye
Nadezda Dolotova
Natali Blick Reborn Doll Kits
Nefer Kane Reborn Doll Kits
Nicole Russell Reborn Doll Kits
Nikki Johnston Reborn Doll Kits
Noemi Noe Roerks
Noemi Smith
Olga Auer Reborn Doll Kits
Olga Tschenskaya Reborn Doll Kits
Petra Lechner Reborn Doll Kits
Petra Seiffert Reborn Doll Kits
Philomena Donnelly Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Reborn Doll Kits
Priscila Lopez Reborn Doll Kits
Regina Labuc-Hoga Reborn Doll Kits
Regina Swialkowski Reborn Doll Kits
Reva Schick Reborn Doll Kits
Romie Strydom Reborn Doll Kits
Ruth Agulair
Ruth Annette Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Altenkirch Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Hansen Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Wegner Reborn Doll Kits
Sabrina Hergarten
Samantha Gregory Reborn Doll Kits
Sandra Maxwell Reborn Doll Kits
Sandra White Reborn Doll Kits
Sandy Faber Reborn Doll Kits
Sarah Mellman
Sebilla Bos Reborn Doll Kits
Severine Piret
Shawna Clymer Reborn Doll Kits
Sheila Michael Reborn Doll Kits
Sheila Mrofka Reborn Doll Kits
Sherry Rawn Reborn Doll Kits
Simon Laurens
Stephanie Sullivan Reborn Doll Kits
Susan Lippl Reborn Doll Kits
Susanne Goschl Reborn Doll Kits
Sylvia Manning Reborn Doll Kits
Tamie Yarie Reborn Doll Kits
Tasha Edenholm
Taynan Freitas
Teresa De Castro
Tiffany Campbell
Tomas Dyprat Reborn Doll Kits
Ulrike Gall Reborn Doll Kits
Viviane Aleluia
Reborn Doll Kits by Size
5-7 inches
8-11 inches
12-14 Inches
15-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
27-29 Inches
30-43 Inches
Reborn Silicone Doll Kits
Baltic Baby
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Mini Silicone Kits
Silicone Faces
Silicone Heads
Animal Silicone Kits
Baby Silicone Kits
Cloth Body Silicone Kits
Full Body Silicone Kits
Fantasy Silicone Kits
Silicone Doll Kits by Artist
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Jade Warner
Jamie Lynn Powers
Jennifer Whitaker
Joanne Elise
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Noemi Smith
Tiffany Campbell
Silicone Doll Kits by Size
3-4 Inches
5-8 Inches
9-12 Inches
13-15 Inches
16-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
Final Sale
Boo Boo Heads, Limbs and kits
Budget Bodies-Discontinued Styles
Collectibles-Open Box or Discontinued
Mixed Limbs
One of a Kind Dolls and Products
Mixed Limb Kits
Fantasy Reborn Dolls
Enchanted Kreatures Kits
Bug Reborn Doll Kits
Alien Reborn Doll Kits
Dragon Reborn Doll Kits
Animal Reborn Doll Kits
Display Props for Doll Kits
Vinyl Egg Display Piece
Fairy & Elf Reborn Doll Kits
Gargoyle Reborn Doll Kits
Hybrid Reborn Doll Kits
Fantasy Reborn Dolls by Artists
Claire Mcilwaine
Doris Moyers Hornbogen
Melissa Palesse
Vincenzina Care
Asia Eriksen
Charlotte Webb
Cindy Musgrove
Jade Warner
Karola Wegerich
Marita Winters
Nefer Kane
Noemi Noe Roerks
Noemi Smith
Olga Tschenskaja
Sarah Mellman
Shawna Clymer
Simon Laurens
Tracy Cheyka
Mermaid Reborn Doll Kits
Unicorn Doll Kits
Vampire Doll Kits
Irresistables Wholesale Productions
Limited Edition Doll Kits
Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Mini Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Preemie Reborn Doll Kits
Rare Secondary Market Sold Out Editions
Twins, Triplets, & Quads Reborn Doll Kits
Ultra Soft Vinyl Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Doll Kits
Ping Lau Limited Editions
Ping Lau Toddlers
Ping Lau Vinyl Doll Parts
Ping Lau Babies
Ping Lau Cuddle Babies and Heads
Reborn Supplies
Armatures for Different Sized Dolls
I Art Reborn Self-Heating Reborn Body
Powder Nails Set for Nail Beds Nail Tips and Moons
Magnetic Pacifiers
HoneyBug Magnetic Pacifiers and Accessories
Blingy Baby Honeybug Pacifiers
Cutie Pie Micro Preemie Precious Vintage 10-13"
CutiePie Micro Preemie 10-13" Dolls
Sweetdreams Preemie Precious Vintage 14-18" Dolls
Sweet Dreams Preemie 14-18 Inch Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn Precious Vintage 18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn 18" Dolls
Novelty Magnetic Pacifiers
Eyes, Eyelashes & Eyebrows
Eyelash Strips
German Glass Eyes
Solid Flat Back Half Round
Mouth Blown Round Hollow
Oval Glass Eyes
Acrylic Eyes
Acrylic Irresistables Eyes
Acrylic Real Eyes
Fantasy Eyes
All Black Solid
Fantasy Doll Eyes
All Black Solid
Glow in the Dark
Hand Painted
Hand Printed
Glow in the Dark
Hand Painted
Hand Printed
Eyebrow Tools
Eye Setting Tools and Wax
Cleaner for Paint Brushes
Irresistables Magic Vinyl Cleaner
Rooting: Everything you need
LED Headband Magnifier with Light Source
Angora Mohair
Babylocks Mohair by Heike Politz
New Wavy
Smooth to Light Wave
Toddler Straight
Toddler Wavy
Irresistables Wavy Mohair 1 Ounce Packages
Ruby Red Mohair
Yearling Mohair
Human Hair
Wigs & Other Hair
Lamps for Rooting
Daylight Magnifying Lamp
Heat and Light Tool for Rooting
Mohair Conditioner
Hair Rooting Supplies & Needles
Paints, Mediums, & More
Ultimate Fusion Products
Ultimate Fusion Eraser Tool
Ultimate Fusion Neutralizing Colors
Ultimate Fusion Starter Set
Ultimate Fusion Extended Colors
Ultimate Fusion Standard Colors
Ultimate Fusion Fantasy Colors
Ultimate Fusion Pre-Mixed Paints
Ultimate Fusion Mediums
Christine Woolley's Paint for Hair & Eyebrows
Saragala Matte Sealer
Silicone Paint Products
Finishing Powser
Silicone Adhesives and Base Paint
Silicone Paint Sets
Silicone Paint sets by Jade Warner
Silicone Paint sets by SAM
Acrylic Paints & Sets
LDC Air Dry Paints
Christine Wooley's 3-D Hair & Eyebrow Tutorials
Paint Brush Sets
Brushes, Nail Pens, & More Tools
Mediums & Paint Thinners
Display Props for Doll Kits
Prismacolor Pencils
Baby Teeth for Reborn Doll Kits Ages 6-12 Months
Glass Beads for Weighting
Sponges for Mottling and Texturizing Skin
Sculpting Supplies
Everyday Value Kits
Everything Silicone
Full Body Silicone Kits
Baltic Baby
Silicone Doll Kits by Size
3-4 Inches
5-8 Inches
9-12 Inches
13-15 Inches
16-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
Partial Silicone Kits
Silicone Artists by Name
Ina Volprich
Jade Warner
Jamie Lynn Powers
Joanne Elise
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Noemi Smith
Ping Lau
TIffany Campbell
Elisa Marx
Angela Degner
Silicone Cuddle Baby Dolls
Fantasy Silicone Kits
Silicone Doll Heads
Silicone Paint Sets
Silicone Practice Faces and Parts
Every Day Values
Ultimate Fusion Air Dry Paints and Mediums
FREE Video Tutorials by Sue Ellen Taormina
Ultimate Fusion 3D Hair & Eyebrow Paint (Woolley)
Ultimate Fusion Air Dry Painting Tutorial
Ultimate Fusion Eraser Tool
Ultimate Fusion Extended Colors
Ultimate Fusion Fantasy Colors
Ultimate Fusion Mediums
Ultimate Fusion Neutralizing Colors
Ultimate Fusion Pre-Mixed Paints
Ultimate Fusion Standard Colors
Ultimate Fusion Starter Set
Irresistables Reborns
Cuddle Babies
Eloisa Cuddle Baby by Irresistables Babies
Jolana Reborned by Lisa Andrews-Smith
Naomi by Esther Orlando
Naomi by Irresistables Babies
Peanut by Irresistables Babies
Raven by Irresistables Babies
Ruthie by Irresistables Babies
Zendric by Irresistables Babies
Delilah Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Denver Rose Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Blanca Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Sweet Heart Rose Awake by Sheila Michael
Henry Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Jack reborn by Irresistables Babies
Katie Reborn by Joy Terril
Mia Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Nevaeh Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Reine Reborn by Sharron Damant Hoffmann
Santina Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Sweet Cheeks reborned by April Yap
Twin B Reborn By Irresistables Babies
Trouble Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Zori Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Zori Reborn by Esther Orlando
Babylocks Mohair by Heike Politz
New Wavy
Smooth to Light Wave
Toddler Straight
Toddler Wavy
Irresistables Wavy Mohair 1 Ounce Packages
Ruby Red Mohair
Yearling Mohair
Antonio Juan Dolls
Silicone Cuddle Baby Dolls
Blythe Dolls
Effanbee Dolls
Good Kruger Dolls
Our Generation Dolls
Paola Reina Dolls
Tonner Dolls
Ashton Drake Dolls
"So Truly Real"
Miniature Dolls
Orangutans & Chimps
Doll Clothing & Accessories
Irresistables Baby Bracelets
Made in Spain
Boy Clothing
Girl Clothing
Knit Diaper Covers (panties)
Ankle Socks
Knee High Socks
Short Socks
Made in the USA
Premie Outfits
Madame Alexander Dolls
Irresistables Reborns
Blanca by Esther Orlando
Cuddle Babies
Delilah by Irresistables Babies
Larry by Irresistables Babies
Lindea by Gudrun Legler
Naomi by Esther Orlando
Peanut by Irresistables Babies
Raven by Irresistables Babies
Ruthie by Irresistables Babies
Sandie by Irresistables Babies
Zendric by Irresistables Babies
Henry by Esther Orlando
Jack reborn by Esther Orlando
Katie by Joy Terril
Sweet Heart Rose Awake by Sheila Michael
Trouble Reborn by Esther Orlando
Zori by Esther Orlando
Mia Reborn by Esther Orlando
Nevaeh Reborn by Esther Orlando
Reine Reborn by Sharron Damant Hoffmann
Santina Reborn by Irresistables Reborns
Sweet Cheeks reborned by April Yap
Twin B Reborn By Esther Orlando
Zori Reborn by Esther Orlando
Other Collectible Items
Bradford Editions
Decorative Flags
Discover Dolls Magazines
Doll Bodies
Doll Bodies by Size
8-9 Inch Bodies
10-12 Inch Bodies
13-14 Inch Bodies
15-16 Inch Bodies
17-18 Inch Bodies
19-21 Inch Bodies
22-24 Inch Bodies
25-29 Inch Bodies
30 Inches and Up
I Art Reborn Self Heating Reborn Body
Doll Bodies
Doll Bodies by Size
8-9 Inch Bodies
10-12 Inch Bodies
13-14 Inch Bodies
15-16 Inch Bodies
19-21 Inch Bodies
22-24 Inch Bodies
17-18 Inch Bodies
25-29 Inch Bodies
30 Inches and Up
Ethnic Brown Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Flesh Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Every Day Value Bodies
White Bodies
Every Day Value Bodies
Reborn Cuddle Baby & Specialty Bodies
Custom Print Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Cuddle Bodies
Flesh Cuddle Bodies
White Cuddle Bodies
Reborn Cuddle Baby and Specialty Bodies
Custom Print Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Cuddle Bodies
Flesh Cuddle Bodies
White Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Ethnic Brown Bodies with Metal Joints
Flesh Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Every Day Value Bodies
White Bodies
Every Day Value Bodies
What's New
Reborn Doll Supplies
Reborn Doll Kits Pre-Orders
Reborn Doll Kits Sneak Peeks
Coming Back soon
Reborn Doll Kits Coming Back Soon
Reborn Supplies Coming Back soon
Irresistables Wholesale Productions
Reborn Doll Kits by Artist
Hugo and Tinneke Janssens
Sigrid Bock Reborn Doll Kits
Adrie Stoete Reborn Doll Kits
Anne Timmerman Reborn Doll Kits
Birgit Friedrich-Gutzwiller
Corinne Kaufeler Reborn Doll Kits
Danielle Zweers Reborn Doll Kits
Didy Jacobsen Reborn Doll Kits
Estibaliz Alonso
Eva Wakolbinger Reborn Doll Kits
Heike Kolpin Reborn Doll Kits
Jacqueline GwinReborn Doll Kits
Jannie De Lange Reborn Doll Kits
Menna Hartog Reborn Doll Kits
Natali Blick Reborn Doll Kits
Olga Tschenskaja
Regina Swialkowski Reborn Doll Kits
Reva Schick Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Altenkirch Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Hansen Reborn Doll Kits
Sandy Faber Reborn Doll Kits
Sebilla Bos Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Reborn Doll Kits
Irresistables Inc.
Irresistables LDC
Sheila Michael Reborn Doll Kits
Susan Lippl Reborn Doll Kits
Tomas Dyprat Reborn Doll Kits
Reborn Doll Kits by Size
8-11 inches
12-14 inches
15-17 inches
18-19 inches
20-21 inches
22-23 inches
24-26 inches
27-29 inches
30-43 inches
Reborn Doll Kits with Torsos
Lifesize Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Ultra Soft Vinyl Reborn Doll Kits
Baltic Baby
Silicone Kits by Artist
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Vinyl Doll Parts
Doll Heads
Doll Heads by Artist
Adrie Stoete Doll Heads
Elly Knoops
Andrea Arcello Doll Heads
Ann Timmerman Doll Heads
Danielle Zweers Doll Heads
Didy Jacobsen Doll Heads
Elisa Marx Doll Heads
Jannie De Lange Doll Heads
Jacqueline Gwin Doll Heads
Natali Blick Doll Heads
Olga Tschenskaja Doll Heads
Ping Lau Doll Heads
Regina Swialkowski Doll Heads
Reva Schick Doll Heads
Sandy Faber Doll Heads
Sheila Michael Doll Heads
Joints & Connectors
Limbs Sets
Elisa Marx
Limb Sets by Artist
Tummy & Back Plates
Tummy and Back Plates by Artist
Danielle Zweers
Elisa Marx
Jannie De Lange
Natali Blick
Ping Lau
Sheila Michael
Tummy Plates
Tummy & Back Plate Sets
Back Plates
Vinyl Torsos, Chest Plates and Neck Pieces
Vinyl Torsos by Artists
Glass Eyes
Fantasy Glass Eyes
Large Pupil
Life Like Mouth Blown Hollow
Solid Flat Back Half Round
Oval Flat Back Glass Eyes
Honeybug Pacifiers
Blingy Pacifiers
CutiePie Micro Preemie 10-13 Dolls
CutiePie Micro Preemie Precious Vintage 10-13"
Sweetdreams Preemie Precious Vintage 14-18" Dolls
Sweetdreams Preemie 14-18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn 18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn Precious Vintage 18" Dolls
Doll Clothing & Accessories
Baby Doll Clothing Manufacturers
Dulce de Fresa
Blingy Baby Boutique
Blingy Gown Sets
Blingy Headbands
Blingy Onsie Sets
Blingy Pacifiers
Blingy Sock and Headband Sets
Blingy Socks
Made in Spain
Boy Clothing
Girl Clothing
Knit Diaper Covers (panties)
Cotton Openwork Short Socks for Boys and Girls
Diamond Openwork Knee High Socks with Bow
Grosgrain Long Knee High Socks with Bow
Knee High Cotton Socks with Side Bow
Perle Crocheted Openwork Knee High Socks with Bow
Perle Crocheted Openwork Metallic Knee High Socks
Made in the USA
Premie Outfits
DVD Tutorials
Free Tutorials
Ultimate Fusion Tips and Tutorials
Discover Dolls Magazine
E-Book Tutorials
Photo Technique Guides
Soft Cover Illustrated Books
Christine Woolley
LaDonna Briggs
Lisa Silvia
Stephanie Sullivan
Special Technique Tutorials
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Irresistables Reborn Heat Set Paints (IRHSP)
Heat Set Colors
IRHSP High Pigment Colors
Heat Set Mediums
Reborn Doll Kits
All Pre-Order Reborn Doll Kits
Reborn Doll Kits by Artist
Kelly Fraga
Talita Pintiero
Adrie Stoete Reborn Doll Kits
Vinyl Limbs for Mix and Match
Adrie Stoete's Mix & Match Collection
Arika Lee
Sigrid Bock
Shi Mrofka
Iveta Eckertova
Jennifer Whitaker
Vincenzina Care
Ashten Bryant
Andrea Arcello Reborn Doll Kits
Asia Eriksen
Anne Timmerman Reborn Doll Kits
AK Kitagawa Reborn Doll Kits
Alejandra De Zúñiga Reborn Doll Kits
Birgit Friedrich - Gutzwiller Reborn Doll Kits
Bonnie Brown Reborn Doll Kits
Brandy Coffey
Carina Zaremba - Wagner Reborn Doll Kits
Cassie Brace Reborn Doll Kits
Christa Götzen Reborn Doll Kits
Charlotte Webb
Claire Mcilwaine
Conny Burke Reborn Doll Kits
Corinne Kaufeler Reborn Doll Kits
Dawn Donofrio
Danielle Zweers Reborn Doll Kits
Dawn Murray McLeod
Dianna Effner Reborn Doll Kits
Didy Jacobsen Reborn Doll Kits
Donna Rubert Reborn Doll Kits
Doris Moyers Hornbogen
Ebtehal Abul
Elisa Marx Reborn Doll Kits
Elly Knoops Reborn Doll Kits
Emily Jameson Reborn Doll Kits
Estibaliz Alonso
Eva Brilli
Eva Wakolbinger Reborn Doll Kits
Evelina Wosnjuk Reborn Doll Kits
Francesca Figa
Gudrun Legler Reborn Doll Kits
Heike Kolpin Reborn Doll Kits
Hermi Cuquerella
Hugo and Tinneke Janssens
Ina Volprich Reborn Doll Kits
Irina Kaplanskaya Reborn Doll Kits
Iris Klement Reborn Doll Kits
Jacqueline Gwin Reborn Doll Kits
Jade Warner Reborn Doll Kits
Jamie Lynn Powers
Jane Collingwood Reborn Doll Kits
Jaykob Kearns
Jannie De Lange Reborn Doll Kits
Jen Printy Reborn Doll Kits
Joanna Kazmierczak Reborn Doll Kits
Joe Bailey
Jorja Pigott Reborn Doll Kits
Julia Homa
Karola Wegerich Reborn Doll Kits
Kyla Janell Reborn Doll Kits
Laura Lee Eagles Reborn Doll Kits
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Laura Tuzio Ross Reborn Doll Kits
Lenka Polacek Huciova
Ligia Vittore
Lilianne Breedveld Reborn Doll Kits
Lilly Gold
Linda Murray Reborn Doll Kits
Linde Scherer Reborn Doll Kits
Lisa Stone
Lisa Sylvia
Lorraine Yophi
Lucie Boiron
Marita Winters Reborn Doll Kits
Mayra Garza Reborn Doll Kits
Melanie Gebhardt
Melissa Mccrory
Menna Hartog Reborn Doll Kits
Misty Hyndman Reborn Doll Kits
Monica Kaye
Nadezda Dolotova
Natali Blick Reborn Doll Kits
Nefer Kane Reborn Doll Kits
Nicole Russell Reborn Doll Kits
Nikki Johnston Reborn Doll Kits
Noemi Noe Roerks
Noemi Smith
Olga Auer Reborn Doll Kits
Olga Tschenskaya Reborn Doll Kits
Petra Lechner Reborn Doll Kits
Petra Seiffert Reborn Doll Kits
Philomena Donnelly Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Reborn Doll Kits
Priscila Lopez Reborn Doll Kits
Regina Labuc-Hoga Reborn Doll Kits
Regina Swialkowski Reborn Doll Kits
Reva Schick Reborn Doll Kits
Romie Strydom Reborn Doll Kits
Ruth Agulair
Ruth Annette Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Altenkirch Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Hansen Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Wegner Reborn Doll Kits
Sabrina Hergarten
Samantha Gregory Reborn Doll Kits
Sandra Maxwell Reborn Doll Kits
Sandra White Reborn Doll Kits
Sandy Faber Reborn Doll Kits
Sarah Mellman
Sebilla Bos Reborn Doll Kits
Severine Piret
Shawna Clymer Reborn Doll Kits
Sheila Michael Reborn Doll Kits
Sheila Mrofka Reborn Doll Kits
Sherry Rawn Reborn Doll Kits
Simon Laurens
Stephanie Sullivan Reborn Doll Kits
Susan Lippl Reborn Doll Kits
Susanne Goschl Reborn Doll Kits
Sylvia Manning Reborn Doll Kits
Tamie Yarie Reborn Doll Kits
Tasha Edenholm
Taynan Freitas
Teresa De Castro
Tiffany Campbell
Tomas Dyprat Reborn Doll Kits
Ulrike Gall Reborn Doll Kits
Viviane Aleluia
Reborn Doll Kits by Size
5-7 inches
8-11 inches
12-14 Inches
15-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
27-29 Inches
30-43 Inches
Reborn Silicone Doll Kits
Baltic Baby
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Mini Silicone Kits
Silicone Faces
Silicone Heads
Animal Silicone Kits
Baby Silicone Kits
Cloth Body Silicone Kits
Full Body Silicone Kits
Fantasy Silicone Kits
Silicone Doll Kits by Artist
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Jade Warner
Jamie Lynn Powers
Jennifer Whitaker
Joanne Elise
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Noemi Smith
Tiffany Campbell
Silicone Doll Kits by Size
3-4 Inches
5-8 Inches
9-12 Inches
13-15 Inches
16-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
Final Sale
Boo Boo Heads, Limbs and kits
Budget Bodies-Discontinued Styles
Collectibles-Open Box or Discontinued
Mixed Limbs
One of a Kind Dolls and Products
Mixed Limb Kits
Fantasy Reborn Dolls
Enchanted Kreatures Kits
Bug Reborn Doll Kits
Alien Reborn Doll Kits
Dragon Reborn Doll Kits
Animal Reborn Doll Kits
Display Props for Doll Kits
Vinyl Egg Display Piece
Fairy & Elf Reborn Doll Kits
Gargoyle Reborn Doll Kits
Hybrid Reborn Doll Kits
Fantasy Reborn Dolls by Artists
Claire Mcilwaine
Doris Moyers Hornbogen
Melissa Palesse
Vincenzina Care
Asia Eriksen
Charlotte Webb
Cindy Musgrove
Jade Warner
Karola Wegerich
Marita Winters
Nefer Kane
Noemi Noe Roerks
Noemi Smith
Olga Tschenskaja
Sarah Mellman
Shawna Clymer
Simon Laurens
Tracy Cheyka
Mermaid Reborn Doll Kits
Unicorn Doll Kits
Vampire Doll Kits
Irresistables Wholesale Productions
Limited Edition Doll Kits
Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Mini Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Preemie Reborn Doll Kits
Rare Secondary Market Sold Out Editions
Twins, Triplets, & Quads Reborn Doll Kits
Ultra Soft Vinyl Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Doll Kits
Ping Lau Limited Editions
Ping Lau Toddlers
Ping Lau Vinyl Doll Parts
Ping Lau Babies
Ping Lau Cuddle Babies and Heads
Reborn Supplies
Armatures for Different Sized Dolls
I Art Reborn Self-Heating Reborn Body
Powder Nails Set for Nail Beds Nail Tips and Moons
Magnetic Pacifiers
HoneyBug Magnetic Pacifiers and Accessories
Blingy Baby Honeybug Pacifiers
Cutie Pie Micro Preemie Precious Vintage 10-13"
CutiePie Micro Preemie 10-13" Dolls
Sweetdreams Preemie Precious Vintage 14-18" Dolls
Sweet Dreams Preemie 14-18 Inch Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn Precious Vintage 18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn 18" Dolls
Novelty Magnetic Pacifiers
Eyes, Eyelashes & Eyebrows
Eyelash Strips
German Glass Eyes
Solid Flat Back Half Round
Mouth Blown Round Hollow
Oval Glass Eyes
Acrylic Eyes
Acrylic Irresistables Eyes
Acrylic Real Eyes
Fantasy Eyes
All Black Solid
Fantasy Doll Eyes
All Black Solid
Glow in the Dark
Hand Painted
Hand Printed
Glow in the Dark
Hand Painted
Hand Printed
Eyebrow Tools
Eye Setting Tools and Wax
Cleaner for Paint Brushes
Irresistables Magic Vinyl Cleaner
Rooting: Everything you need
LED Headband Magnifier with Light Source
Angora Mohair
Babylocks Mohair by Heike Politz
New Wavy
Smooth to Light Wave
Toddler Straight
Toddler Wavy
Irresistables Wavy Mohair 1 Ounce Packages
Ruby Red Mohair
Yearling Mohair
Human Hair
Wigs & Other Hair
Lamps for Rooting
Daylight Magnifying Lamp
Heat and Light Tool for Rooting
Mohair Conditioner
Hair Rooting Supplies & Needles
Paints, Mediums, & More
Ultimate Fusion Products
Ultimate Fusion Eraser Tool
Ultimate Fusion Neutralizing Colors
Ultimate Fusion Starter Set
Ultimate Fusion Extended Colors
Ultimate Fusion Standard Colors
Ultimate Fusion Fantasy Colors
Ultimate Fusion Pre-Mixed Paints
Ultimate Fusion Mediums
Christine Woolley's Paint for Hair & Eyebrows
Saragala Matte Sealer
Silicone Paint Products
Finishing Powser
Silicone Adhesives and Base Paint
Silicone Paint Sets
Silicone Paint sets by Jade Warner
Silicone Paint sets by SAM
Acrylic Paints & Sets
LDC Air Dry Paints
Christine Wooley's 3-D Hair & Eyebrow Tutorials
Paint Brush Sets
Brushes, Nail Pens, & More Tools
Mediums & Paint Thinners
Display Props for Doll Kits
Prismacolor Pencils
Baby Teeth for Reborn Doll Kits Ages 6-12 Months
Glass Beads for Weighting
Sponges for Mottling and Texturizing Skin
Sculpting Supplies
Everyday Value Kits
Everything Silicone
Full Body Silicone Kits
Baltic Baby
Silicone Doll Kits by Size
3-4 Inches
5-8 Inches
9-12 Inches
13-15 Inches
16-17 Inches
18-19 Inches
20-21 Inches
22-23 Inches
24-26 Inches
Partial Silicone Kits
Silicone Artists by Name
Ina Volprich
Jade Warner
Jamie Lynn Powers
Joanne Elise
Laurie Sullivan Roy
Noemi Smith
Ping Lau
TIffany Campbell
Elisa Marx
Angela Degner
Silicone Cuddle Baby Dolls
Fantasy Silicone Kits
Silicone Doll Heads
Silicone Paint Sets
Silicone Practice Faces and Parts
Every Day Values
Ultimate Fusion Air Dry Paints and Mediums
FREE Video Tutorials by Sue Ellen Taormina
Ultimate Fusion 3D Hair & Eyebrow Paint (Woolley)
Ultimate Fusion Air Dry Painting Tutorial
Ultimate Fusion Eraser Tool
Ultimate Fusion Extended Colors
Ultimate Fusion Fantasy Colors
Ultimate Fusion Mediums
Ultimate Fusion Neutralizing Colors
Ultimate Fusion Pre-Mixed Paints
Ultimate Fusion Standard Colors
Ultimate Fusion Starter Set
Irresistables Reborns
Cuddle Babies
Eloisa Cuddle Baby by Irresistables Babies
Jolana Reborned by Lisa Andrews-Smith
Naomi by Esther Orlando
Naomi by Irresistables Babies
Peanut by Irresistables Babies
Raven by Irresistables Babies
Ruthie by Irresistables Babies
Zendric by Irresistables Babies
Delilah Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Denver Rose Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Blanca Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Sweet Heart Rose Awake by Sheila Michael
Henry Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Jack reborn by Irresistables Babies
Katie Reborn by Joy Terril
Mia Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Nevaeh Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Reine Reborn by Sharron Damant Hoffmann
Santina Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Sweet Cheeks reborned by April Yap
Twin B Reborn By Irresistables Babies
Trouble Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Zori Reborn by Irresistables Babies
Zori Reborn by Esther Orlando
Babylocks Mohair by Heike Politz
New Wavy
Smooth to Light Wave
Toddler Straight
Toddler Wavy
Irresistables Wavy Mohair 1 Ounce Packages
Ruby Red Mohair
Yearling Mohair
Antonio Juan Dolls
Silicone Cuddle Baby Dolls
Blythe Dolls
Effanbee Dolls
Good Kruger Dolls
Our Generation Dolls
Paola Reina Dolls
Tonner Dolls
Ashton Drake Dolls
"So Truly Real"
Miniature Dolls
Orangutans & Chimps
Doll Clothing & Accessories
Irresistables Baby Bracelets
Made in Spain
Boy Clothing
Girl Clothing
Knit Diaper Covers (panties)
Ankle Socks
Knee High Socks
Short Socks
Made in the USA
Premie Outfits
Madame Alexander Dolls
Irresistables Reborns
Blanca by Esther Orlando
Cuddle Babies
Delilah by Irresistables Babies
Larry by Irresistables Babies
Lindea by Gudrun Legler
Naomi by Esther Orlando
Peanut by Irresistables Babies
Raven by Irresistables Babies
Ruthie by Irresistables Babies
Sandie by Irresistables Babies
Zendric by Irresistables Babies
Henry by Esther Orlando
Jack reborn by Esther Orlando
Katie by Joy Terril
Sweet Heart Rose Awake by Sheila Michael
Trouble Reborn by Esther Orlando
Zori by Esther Orlando
Mia Reborn by Esther Orlando
Nevaeh Reborn by Esther Orlando
Reine Reborn by Sharron Damant Hoffmann
Santina Reborn by Irresistables Reborns
Sweet Cheeks reborned by April Yap
Twin B Reborn By Esther Orlando
Zori Reborn by Esther Orlando
Other Collectible Items
Bradford Editions
Decorative Flags
Discover Dolls Magazines
Doll Bodies
Doll Bodies by Size
8-9 Inch Bodies
10-12 Inch Bodies
13-14 Inch Bodies
15-16 Inch Bodies
17-18 Inch Bodies
19-21 Inch Bodies
22-24 Inch Bodies
25-29 Inch Bodies
30 Inches and Up
I Art Reborn Self Heating Reborn Body
Doll Bodies
Doll Bodies by Size
8-9 Inch Bodies
10-12 Inch Bodies
13-14 Inch Bodies
15-16 Inch Bodies
19-21 Inch Bodies
22-24 Inch Bodies
17-18 Inch Bodies
25-29 Inch Bodies
30 Inches and Up
Ethnic Brown Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Flesh Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Every Day Value Bodies
White Bodies
Every Day Value Bodies
Reborn Cuddle Baby & Specialty Bodies
Custom Print Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Cuddle Bodies
Flesh Cuddle Bodies
White Cuddle Bodies
Reborn Cuddle Baby and Specialty Bodies
Custom Print Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Cuddle Bodies
Flesh Cuddle Bodies
White Cuddle Bodies
Ethnic Brown Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Ethnic Brown Bodies with Metal Joints
Flesh Bodies
Doe Suede Body with Metal Joints
Doe Suede Body with Plastic Joints
Every Day Value Bodies
White Bodies
Every Day Value Bodies
What's New
Reborn Doll Supplies
Reborn Doll Kits Pre-Orders
Reborn Doll Kits Sneak Peeks
Coming Back soon
Reborn Doll Kits Coming Back Soon
Reborn Supplies Coming Back soon
Irresistables Wholesale Productions
Reborn Doll Kits by Artist
Hugo and Tinneke Janssens
Sigrid Bock Reborn Doll Kits
Adrie Stoete Reborn Doll Kits
Anne Timmerman Reborn Doll Kits
Birgit Friedrich-Gutzwiller
Corinne Kaufeler Reborn Doll Kits
Danielle Zweers Reborn Doll Kits
Didy Jacobsen Reborn Doll Kits
Estibaliz Alonso
Eva Wakolbinger Reborn Doll Kits
Heike Kolpin Reborn Doll Kits
Jacqueline GwinReborn Doll Kits
Jannie De Lange Reborn Doll Kits
Menna Hartog Reborn Doll Kits
Natali Blick Reborn Doll Kits
Olga Tschenskaja
Regina Swialkowski Reborn Doll Kits
Reva Schick Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Altenkirch Reborn Doll Kits
Sabine Hansen Reborn Doll Kits
Sandy Faber Reborn Doll Kits
Sebilla Bos Reborn Doll Kits
Ping Lau Reborn Doll Kits
Irresistables Inc.
Irresistables LDC
Sheila Michael Reborn Doll Kits
Susan Lippl Reborn Doll Kits
Tomas Dyprat Reborn Doll Kits
Reborn Doll Kits by Size
8-11 inches
12-14 inches
15-17 inches
18-19 inches
20-21 inches
22-23 inches
24-26 inches
27-29 inches
30-43 inches
Reborn Doll Kits with Torsos
Lifesize Toddler Reborn Doll Kits
Ultra Soft Vinyl Reborn Doll Kits
Baltic Baby
Silicone Kits by Artist
Angela Degner
Elisa Marx
Ina Volprich
Vinyl Doll Parts
Doll Heads
Doll Heads by Artist
Adrie Stoete Doll Heads
Elly Knoops
Andrea Arcello Doll Heads
Ann Timmerman Doll Heads
Danielle Zweers Doll Heads
Didy Jacobsen Doll Heads
Elisa Marx Doll Heads
Jannie De Lange Doll Heads
Jacqueline Gwin Doll Heads
Natali Blick Doll Heads
Olga Tschenskaja Doll Heads
Ping Lau Doll Heads
Regina Swialkowski Doll Heads
Reva Schick Doll Heads
Sandy Faber Doll Heads
Sheila Michael Doll Heads
Joints & Connectors
Limbs Sets
Elisa Marx
Limb Sets by Artist
Tummy & Back Plates
Tummy and Back Plates by Artist
Danielle Zweers
Elisa Marx
Jannie De Lange
Natali Blick
Ping Lau
Sheila Michael
Tummy Plates
Tummy & Back Plate Sets
Back Plates
Vinyl Torsos, Chest Plates and Neck Pieces
Vinyl Torsos by Artists
Glass Eyes
Fantasy Glass Eyes
Large Pupil
Life Like Mouth Blown Hollow
Solid Flat Back Half Round
Oval Flat Back Glass Eyes
Honeybug Pacifiers
Blingy Pacifiers
CutiePie Micro Preemie 10-13 Dolls
CutiePie Micro Preemie Precious Vintage 10-13"
Sweetdreams Preemie Precious Vintage 14-18" Dolls
Sweetdreams Preemie 14-18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn 18" Dolls
Sweetheart Newborn Precious Vintage 18" Dolls
Doll Clothing & Accessories
Baby Doll Clothing Manufacturers
Dulce de Fresa
Blingy Baby Boutique
Blingy Gown Sets
Blingy Headbands
Blingy Onsie Sets
Blingy Pacifiers
Blingy Sock and Headband Sets
Blingy Socks
Made in Spain
Boy Clothing
Girl Clothing
Knit Diaper Covers (panties)
Cotton Openwork Short Socks for Boys and Girls
Diamond Openwork Knee High Socks with Bow
Grosgrain Long Knee High Socks with Bow
Knee High Cotton Socks with Side Bow
Perle Crocheted Openwork Knee High Socks with Bow
Perle Crocheted Openwork Metallic Knee High Socks
Made in the USA
Premie Outfits
DVD Tutorials
Free Tutorials
Ultimate Fusion Tips and Tutorials
Discover Dolls Magazine
E-Book Tutorials
Photo Technique Guides
Soft Cover Illustrated Books
Christine Woolley
LaDonna Briggs
Lisa Silvia
Stephanie Sullivan
Special Technique Tutorials
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