AMACO - American Art Clay Company
It is with much sadness that we need to let you know that the manufacturer for the Genesis Heat Set Paint and Medium product line has been discontinued. For the past couple of years the manufacturer has tried to continue producing their products but to no avail and many failed attempts, they were not able to achieve a finished product that would work to their standards and be safe in the marketplace. Between supply chain problems and the unavailability of one key ingredient, they decided to close this brand and move on. I was told that they did not make this decision easily.
We will sell off our remaining stock and will not be able to get any more of their products. On a brighter note, we are almost ready to announce our newest line of heat set paints with many colors and mediums that will be available to you and we hope will be a great replacement for the reborners.
Thank you for understanding and your continued and loyal business